• 沙滩阅读


    夏天还剩很多时间呢, so I have five nonfiction and five fiction recommendations for your beach reading.


    半生不熟的生活:寻找天堂, 皮科。耶尔

    天堂是什么?? 天堂在哪里?? 皮科。耶尔, 他是一位多产的作家,写过许多游记, 参观伊朗的圣地, 日本, 耶路撒冷, 印度和斯里兰卡去寻找答案. He observes the paradox that so much violence has accompanied so many of the holy places, 死亡在这里尤其普遍. 当然, 人间无天堂, 死亡并不是生的对立面, 而是出生的反面, 引用佛教学者的话. Iyer is a wonderful writer, with beautiful prose that will entice you to visit each of these sites. And his musings on Paradise may help us appreciate the life we have.


    贸易造就了帝国, 而不是反过来, 没有什么比贸易更重要了, 或帝国, 小麦. 纳尔逊, 乔治亚大学的教授, 提供了一段非常迷人的粮食贸易历史, 重点是乌克兰问题, 欧洲的粮仓. We learn also of the importance of nitroglycerin in the grain trade, and there are many insightful connections that 纳尔逊 makes between Russian serfs and American slaves, 或者凯瑟琳大帝如何模仿美国的粮食制度, 为例. This is a wonderful history that brings in many aspects of social, 政治和技术发展, 所有这些都是通过至关重要的谷物透镜来实现的.


    An American identity was hardly formed in the early days of the Republic. Almost everyone identified with their state or, to a lesser degree, with their region. The Articles of Confederation that guided the country for its first 15 years expressed this in legal terms: it was the thirteen 殖民地 组成了联邦. The Constitution altered the legal framework, with its opening words, 我们人民,而不是 我们美国, 但是一个真正的国家身份还没有形成. 然而70年后, millions would join together and stake their lives defending this American identity. How did that transformation from state to national identity occur? There were competing forces for how or even if an American identity would develop, and it was Daniel Webster’s version and vision that eventually emerged. 不可分割的 是19世纪上半叶的政治史吗th century United States, and Paul brings to life the key figures of the time. But his focal point is Daniel Webster, the greatest orator in American history. At our own time of national division, we would do well to remember Webster’s famous phrase, 自由和联邦,现在和永远是一体的,不可分割的. 不可分割的 一部优秀的历史著作是因为它与今天息息相关吗.


    这是一本非凡的回忆录, 在青春期前用第三人称说, and then in the second person as a teenager growing up in poverty, 污秽, 药物, 以及90年代费城的暴力事件. Joey relates his life as he experiences it in an even-handed, matter-of-fact way. This lack of sensationalism makes his everyday struggles all that more powerful to absorb. 他母亲是个瘾君子,在他的生活中进进出出. His grandmother takes him and his sister in, but she, too, is hardly around. His grandfather beats her, and beats on Joey too, but at least gives them a place to stay. 乔伊逃到了电子游戏和动漫的世界, but the real world never allows him to escape its travails for long. Still, Joey survives, seeking love and learning how to give love. 这是一本自传,读起来像小说, 非凡的, 令人震惊和心痛, 天才作家的杰出处女作.


    亨利·Threadgill是我们这个时代最伟大的爵士作曲家之一, 普利策奖得主, 这是他的自传. 现在, I think that most autobiographies are terrible: they’re written by people who can’t write, 他们要么是为了报仇,要么是为了写一部圣徒传记. 这两种情况都不对. 这本书将主要吸引音乐家, and I found it most interesting when he talked about how he approaches composing. 这可能有点技术性, 所以一些音乐基础是有帮助的, 但还有很多东西值得细细品味. Threadgill fills the book with the vivid characters among his own family, 以及他在芝加哥南区长大的经历, 他在越南当兵的经历, 为他作为音乐家的发展干杯. For someone who was expelled from schools, the breadth of his erudition is remarkable. 他所有的知识和经验都汇集在他的音乐中. Threadgill简单而直接地讲述了他的人生故事. It is as much a look into the social world of his era as it is about how music is created. 除了那些对爵士乐感兴趣的人之外,这应该会有广泛的吸引力, 但对于那些人来说, 这是一个宝藏.


    This is a novel about the pathetic lives of pathetic people living in a pathetic town in Indiana. It is also an astonishing debut novel that connects us to each of the characters, 他们的人性, 他们的缺陷, with poignant social commentary of the struggles of a Rust Belt community that seeks to revive its former prosperity. The writing is magical and mesmerizing, a worthy winner of the National Book Award.


    这是一个简短的, 超现实主义的, disturbing novel of a woman who has a dream that she should no longer eat meat. Her family find this behavior baffling as she loses weight and seems to fade into her own, 隐藏的世界. 故事首先从她丈夫的角度讲述, 然后是她的姐夫, 最后一封来自她姐姐. It contains acts of violence and sex, hallucination and nightmares. Yet each character is portrayed with such delicacy and kindness, 尽管每个人都质疑自己对现实的把握. The book created quite a stir in Korea when it was published in 2007, but its English translation in 2016 garnered the International Booker Prize. 这是令人不安的,但仍然很美.


    This is perfect 沙滩阅读 material: a close-knit community that has summered on Fire Island for generations. There’s the usual obnoxious 纽约 City financiers and their trophy wives and trophy kids, 每个女人都渴望的新网球职业选手, 保姆们忍受着无聊和漠视, 没完没了的八卦. 还有一起谋杀案. 这不是高雅文学, 但作为小说家的处女作, 艾玛·罗森布鲁姆完美地捕捉到了这种节奏, 上层的矫揉造作和小气, 上层阶级.


    A nine-year old girl watches her mother walk with all the other women of the village, 一个接一个, 在火葬堆上, 在她们的丈夫战死沙场之后. 女孩走开了, 一位女神拜访了她, 谁给了她一袋魔法种子, 从哪个城市, 然后是一个帝国, 种植. The girl lives 248 years, witness to the rise and fall of her empire. 在她死之前, 她留下了一份叙述这个帝国历史的手稿, 以及她在两个多世纪的培育过程中扮演的角色. This is an enchanting tale, told by a master storyteller, but it is much more. 拉什迪一直在写yabo亚博网站登录首页政治虚伪的文章, 那些以和平之名发动战争的领导人, 那些宣称不宽容的人, 和实施, 他们的纯洁, 这些主题贯穿全书. Rushdie gives us lessons for our own time in this magical, enchanting book.


    这是一个真正的美丽, 情感小说, 两个家庭, 邻居, 在50年的时间里. We are introduced to each parent and child, their fears and hopes and inner feelings. It is a rare gift to be able to write about ordinary people with ordinary lives in a way that touches us deeply. 最后,这是一本yabo亚博网站登录首页关心,yabo亚博网站登录首页爱的书. There is nothing exceptional in the plot, or about the characters. 但你会被小说中的温柔和爱所感动.


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